Uninstalling Cascable Pro Webcam

If you need to remove Cascable Pro Webcam from your computer, you can download our simple uninstaller below. Once the uninstaller has finished, you can simply throw it in the Trash.

Download Pro Webcam Uninstaller

The uninstaller may prompt you to run it from your Applications folder, and may ask for your admin password more than once. This is normal.

Manual Removal

If you would instead prefer to remove Cascable Pro Webcam manually, follow these steps in order:

Once you’ve removed the system extension, remove the following files — moving them into the Trash and emptying it is sufficient.

System Extension Removal: If All Else Fails

If you are using macOS Monterey 12.3 or later and the system extension is “stuck”, you can forcefully remove it by following the steps below — due to a macOS security feature called System Integrity Protection, you can’t just delete the extension’s files. Due to the complexity of this operation, we strongly suggest using the uninstaller above, which will quickly and safely remove the system extension.

  1. Restart your computer into macOS Recovery. You can find instructions for doing this for Intel-based Macs here, or for Apple Silicon-based Macs here.

  2. Once booted into macOS Recovery, open Terminal from the Utilities menu.

  3. In the Terminal, enter the following command and follow any prompts to disable System Integrity Protection:

    csrutil disable

  4. Quit the Terminal and restart your computer back into regular macOS.

  5. Once booted back into regular macOS, open the Terminal (you can find it in the Utilities folder inside your Applications folder) and enter the following command to remove the extension. Since it’s a long command, you can copy the complete contents of the grey box and paste into Terminal. You’ll be prompted for your admin password:

    systemextensionsctl uninstall EB5BP6YJ4R se.cascable.webcam-bridge.avextension

  6. Restart your computer into macOS Recovery. You can find instructions for doing this for Intel-based Macs here, or for Apple Silicon-based Macs here.

  7. Once booted into macOS Recovery, open Terminal from the Utilities menu.

  8. In the Terminal, enter the following command and follow any prompts to re-enable System Integrity Protection.

    csrutil enable

  9. Quit the Terminal and restart your computer back into regular macOS. The Cascable Pro Webcam system extension has now been removed.